EPISD Academic Calendar Voting

Dear El Paso ISD,

We are reaching out to invite your participation in the voting process for the proposed revisions to the 2025-2026 Academic Year Calendar and the selection of the proposed 2026-2027 Academic Year Calendar. Your input is a vital part of ensuring that the academic calendars align with the needs and preferences of our community.

Summary of Key Proposals:

Below, you will find a detailed summary that highlights the similarities and differences between the proposed revisions to the 2025-2026 calendar and the proposed 2026-2027 calendars. We encourage you to review these documents thoroughly to fully understand the proposed changes and options.

Your engagement strengthens our community and helps shape the future of education in El Paso Independent School District. Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration.

2025-2026 Revised & 2026-2027 Calendar Options

Click on the calendar image to see the complete PDF document for the calendar option. Scroll down to the green box below to cast your vote!

Ways the Calendar Options are Different

2025-2026 Academic Calendars Proposed Revisions
Item 2025-2026 Current
(Approved 5-21-2024)
Proposed Revision
Early Release Day August 27, 2025 REMOVE the August 27, 2025 Early Release Day.
Keep as a full day of instruction.
Early Release Day September 24, 2025 CHANGE the Early Release Day from September 24, 2025 to October 31, 2025.
Keep as a Teacher PD Day.
Early Release Day March 04, 2026 REMOVE the March 04, 2026 Early Release Day.
Keep as a full day of instruction.
Early Release Day May 06, 2026 REMOVE the May 06, 2026 Early Release Day.
Keep as a full day of instruction.

Proposed 2026-2027 Calendar Differences
Calendar Event Calendar A Calendar B
Teacher PD January 04, 2027
½ Day
Teacher Workday January 04, 2027
½ Day
January 04, 2027
Full Day
Elementary School
Parent Teacher Conference
February 1, 2027 February 17, 2027
Middle/PK8 School
Parent Teacher Conference
February 3, 2027 February 23, 2027
High School
Parent Teacher Conference
February 9, 2027 February 25, 2027
Presidents Day February 15, 2027 N/A
End of 3rd Nine Weeks [10 Wks] March 25, 2027 March 12, 2027
Spring Intersession March 10-12, 2027
3 Days
March 15-19, 2027
5 Days
Spring Break March 15-19, 2027 March 22-26, 2027
Spring Holiday (Friday) March 26, 2027 N/A
Early Release Day N/A April 07, 2027
Teacher PD Day
Student Early Release Days
(not including P/T Conference Day)
3 Days
Nov. 20, 2026
Dec. 18, 2026
May 28, 2027
4 Days
Nov. 20, 2026
Dec. 18, 2026
Apr. 07, 2027
May 28, 2027
Teacher PD Days 4.5 Days
July 27-30 (3.5)
Nov. 20 (1/2)
Jan. 04
4.5 Days
July 27-30 (3.5)
Nov. 20 (1/2)
Apr. 07
Teacher Workdays 3 Days
Jul. 27, 2026 (1/2)
Jul. 31, 2026
Jan. 04, 2027 (1/2)
Jun. 04, 2027
3.5 Days
Jul. 27, 2026 (1/2)
Jul. 31, 2026
Jan. 04, 2027
Jun. 04, 2027

Ways the Proposed 2026-2027 Calendar Options are the Same

Calendar Event Details
New Teacher Academy July 21-24, 2026
1/2 Day PD, 1/2 Day Teacher Workday July 27, 2026
Teacher Professional Development Day July 28-30 , 2026
Teacher Workday July 31, 2026
First Day of School August 3, 2026
Labor Day September 7, 2026
Elementary School Parent/Teacher Conference September 9, 2026
Middle/PK8 School Parent Teacher Conference September 15, 2026
High School Parent/Teacher Conference September 17, 2026
End of First Nine Weeks [9 Wks] October 6, 2026
Fall Intersession October 7-9, 2026
3 Days
Fall Break October 12-16, 2026
Start of 2nd Nine Weeks October 19, 2026
Veterans Day November 11, 2026
Early Release - Teacher PD Day
(Fiesta Credit)
November 20, 2026
Thanksgiving Break November 23-27, 2026
End of 2nd Nine weeks [8 Wks] – Early Release
(P/T Conference Credit)
December 18, 2026
Winter Break December 21, 2026 to January 1, 2027
Start of 3rd Nine Weeks January 5, 2027
Martin Luther King Day - Holiday January 18, 2027
Spring Holiday (Monday) March 29, 2027
Start of 4th Nine Weeks March 30, 2027
Early Release Day
(P/T Conference Credit)
May 28, 2027
Memorial Day May 31, 2027
Last Day of School/Semester [10 Wks] June 3, 2027
Teacher Workday June 4, 2027
Summer Intersession June 07-25, 2027
Summer 2025 Break Days
S = Students
T = Teachers
S = 58

T = 49
Instructional Days 180 Days
Teacher Contract Days 187 Days
Teacher Early Release Day for P/T Conference 1 Day
Dec. 18, 2026 (1/2)
May 28, 2027 (1/2)

Submit your vote here

Of the proposed calendars, my votes are for:

* See option descriptions above.

The voting period ends Wed, 11 Dec 2024 16:38:00 -0700