Technology Application TEKS
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 1A | apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes |
I | D | M | 1B | create original products using a variety of resources |
I | D | M | 1C | explore virtual environments, simulations, models, and programming languages to enhance learning |
I | D | M | 1D | create and execute steps to accomplish a task |
I | D | M | 1E | evaluate and modify steps to accomplish a task |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 2A | use communication tools that allow for anytime, anywhere, access to interact, collaborate, or publish with peers locally and globally. |
I | D | M | 2B | participate in digital environments to develop cultural understanding by interacting with learners of multiple cultures |
I | D | M | 2C | Format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience and communication medium |
I | D | M | 2D | select, store, and deliver products using a variety of media, formats, devices, and virtual environments |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 3A | use search strategies to access information to guide inquiry |
I | D | M | 3B | use research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment |
I | D | M | 3C | evaluate the usefulness of acquired digital content |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | 4A | identify what is known and unknown and what needs to be known regarding a problem and explain the steps to solve the problem | |
I | D | 4B | evaluate the appropriateness of a digital tool to achieve the desired product | |
I | D | 4C | evaluate products prior to final submission | |
I/D | D | 4D | collect, analyze, and represent data using tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | 5A | apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes | |
I | D | 5B | create original products using a variety of resources | |
I/D | D | 5C | explore virtual environments, simulations, models, and programming languages to enhance learning |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
K | 1 | 2 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | 6A | apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes | |
I | D | 6B | create original products using a variety of resources | |
I | D | 6C | explore virtual environments, simulations, models, and programming languages to enhance learning | |
I | D | 6D | create and execute steps to accomplish a task | |
I | D | 6E | evaluate and modify steps to accomplish a task | |
I | D | 6F | demonstrate keyboarding techniques for operating the alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys appropriate for Kindergarten-Grade 2 learning | |
I/D | 6G | use the help feature online and in applications |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 1A | apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes |
I | D | M | 1B | create original products using a variety of resources |
I | D | M | 1C | explore virtual environments, simulations, models, and programming languages to enhance learning |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 2A | draft, edit, and publish products in different media individually and collaboratively |
I | D | M | 2B | use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for multiple communication media, including monitor display, web, and print |
I | D | M | 2C | collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments |
I/D | M | 2D | select and use appropriate collaboration tools | |
I/D | M | 2E | evaluate the product for relevance to the assignment or task; and | |
I | D | M | 2F | perform basic software application functions, including opening applications and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files. |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 3A | use various search strategies such as keyword(s) |
I | D | M | 3B | collect and organize information from a variety of formats, including text, audio, video, and graphics |
I | D | M | 3C | validate and evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of information; and |
I | D | M | 3D | acquire information appropriate to specific tasks. |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 4A | identify information regarding a problem and explain the steps toward the solution |
I | D | M | 4B | collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages |
I | D | M | 4C | evaluate student-created products through self and peer review for relevance to the assignment or task; and |
I | D | M | 4D | evaluate technology tools applicable for solving problems. |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | MD | 5A | adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting positive social behavior in the digital environment |
I | D | MD | 5B | respect the intellectual property of others |
I | D | M | 5C | abide by copyright law and the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia |
I | D | M | 5D | protect and honor the individual privacy of oneself and others |
I | D | M | 5E | follow the rules of digital etiquette |
I | D | M | 5F | practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology; and |
I | D | M | 5G | comply with fair use guidelines and digital safety rules. |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
3 | 4 | 5 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 6A | demonstrate an understanding of technology concepts, including terminology for the use of operating systems, network systems, virtual systems, and learning systems appropriate for Grades 3-5 learning |
I | D | M | 6B | manipulate files using appropriate naming conventions; file management, including folder structures and tagging |
I | D | M | 6C | navigate systems and applications accessing peripherals both locally and remotely |
I | D | M | 6D | troubleshoot minor technical problems with hardware and software using available resources such as online help and knowledge bases; and |
I | D | M | 6E | use proper touch keyboarding techniques and ergonomic strategies such as correct hand and body positions and smooth and rhythmic keystrokes. |
I | D | M | 6F | demonstrate keyboarding techniques for operating the alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys appropriate for Kindergarten-Grade 2 learning |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 1A | identify, create, and use files in various formats such as text, raster and vector graphics, video, and audio files; |
I | D | M | 1B | CREATE original works as a means of personal or group expression; |
I | D | M | 1B | create and PRESENT original works as a means of personal or group expression; |
I | D | M | 1B | create, present, and PUBLISH original works as a means of personal or group expression; |
I | D | M | 1C | explore complex systems or issues using models, simulations, and new technologies to MAKE PREDICTIONS, modify input, and REVIEW results |
I | D | M | 1C | explore complex systems or issues using models, simulations, and new technologies to DEVELOP HYPOTHESES, modify input, and ANALYZE results |
I | D | M | 1D | DISCUSS trends and POSSIBLE OUTCOMES |
I | D | M | 1D | discuss trends and MAKE PREDICTIONS |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 2A | PARTICIPATE in personal learning networks to collaborate with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies |
I | D | M | 2A | CREATE personal learning networks to collaborate and PUBLISH with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies |
I | D | M | 2A | CREATE and MANAGE personal learning networks to collaborate and PUBLISH with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies |
I | D | M | 2B | communicate effectively with multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats |
I | D | M | 2C | READ and DISCUSS examples of technical writing |
I | D | M | 2C | CREATE products using technical writing strategies |
I | D | M | 2C | CREATE and PUBLISH products using technical writing strategies |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 3A | create a research plan to guide inquiry |
I | D | M | 3B | DISCUSS and USE various search strategies, including keyword(s) and Boolean operators |
D | M | 3B | USE and EVALUATE various search strategies, including keyword(s) and Boolean operators | |
M | 3B | PLAN, USE, and EVALUATE various search strategies, including keyword(s) and Boolean operators | ||
I | D | M | 3C | select and evaluate various types of digital resources for accuracy and validity |
I | D | M | 3D | process data and communicate results |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 4A | identify and define relevant problems and significant questions for investigation |
I | D | M | 4B | plan and manage activities to develop a solution, design a computer program, or complete a project |
I | D | M | 4C | collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions |
I | D | M | 4D | use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions |
I | D | M | 4E | make informed decisions and support reasoning |
I | D | M | 4F | transfer current knowledge to the learning of newly encountered technologies |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | MD | 5A | UNDERSTAND copyright principles, including CURRENT LAWS, fair use guidelines, creative commons, open source, and public domain |
D | MD | 5A | UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE copyright principles, including current fair use guidelines, creative commons, open source, and public domain | |
M | 5A | UNDERSTAND, EXPLAIN, and PRACTICE copyright principles, including CURRENT LAWS, fair use guidelines, creative commons, open source, and public domain | ||
I | D | M | 5B | PRACTICE ethical acquisition of information and standard methods for citing sources |
M | 5B | PRACTICE and EXPLAIN ethical acquisition of information and standard methods for citing sources | ||
I | D | M | 5C | PRACTICE safe and appropriate online behavior, personal security guidelines, digital identity, digital etiquette, and acceptable use of technology |
D | M | 5C | PRACTICE and EXPLAIN safe and appropriate online behavior, personal security guidelines, digital identity, digital etiquette, and acceptable use of technology | |
I | D | M | 5D | understand the negative impact of inappropriate technology use, including online bullying and harassment, hacking, intentional virus setting, invasion of privacy, and piracy such as software, music, video, and other media |
M | 5D | UNDERSTAND and EXPLAIN the negative impact of inappropriate technology use, including online bullying and harassment, hacking, intentional virus setting, invasion of privacy, and piracy such as software, music, video, and other media |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
6 | 7 | 8 | TEK | Student Expectation |
I | D | M | 6A | define and use current technology terminology appropriately |
I | D | M | 6B | SELECT technology tools based on licensing, application, and support |
D | M | 6B | SELECT and APPLY technology tools based on licensing, application, and support | |
M | 6B | EVALUATE and SELECT technology tools based on licensing, application, and support | ||
I | D | M | 6C | identify, understand, and use operating systems |
I | D | M | 6D | understand and use software applications, including selecting and using software for a defined task |
I | D | M | 6E | identify, understand, and use hardware systems |
I | D | M | 6F | UNDERSTAND troubleshooting techniques SUCH AS restarting systems, checking power issues, resolving software compatibility, verifying network connectivity, connecting to remote resources, and modifying display properties |
M | 6F | APPLY troubleshooting techniques, INCLUDING restarting systems, checking power issues, resolving software compatibility, verifying network connectivity, connecting to remote resources, and modifying display properties | ||
I | D | M | 6G | DEMONSTRATE effective file management strategies such as file naming conventions, location, backup, hierarchy, folder structure, file conversion, tags, labels, and emerging digital organizational strategies |
D | M | 6G | IMPLEMENT effective file management strategies such as file naming conventions, location, backup, hierarchy, folder structure, file conversion, tags, labels, and emerging digital organizational strategies | |
I | D | M | 6H | DISCUSS how changes in technology throughout history have impacted various areas of study |
D | M | 6H | EXPLAIN how changes in technology throughout history have impacted various areas of study | |
M | 6H | EVALUATE how changes in technology throughout history have impacted various areas of study | ||
I | D | M | 6I | DISCUSS the relevance of technology as it applies to college and career readiness, life-long learning, and daily living |
D | M | 6I | EXPLAIN the relevance of technology as it applies to college and career readiness, life-long learning, and daily living | |
M | 6I | EVALUATE the relevance of technology as it applies to college and career readiness, life-long learning, and daily living | ||
I | D | M | 6J | use a variety of local and remote input sources |
I | D | M | 6K | use keyboarding techniques and ergonomic strategies while building speed and accuracy |
I | D | M | 6L | create and edit files with(i) a word processing document using digital typography standards such as page layout, font formatting, paragraph formatting, and list attributes;(ii) a spreadsheet workbook using advanced computational and graphic components such as complex formulas, basic functions, data types, and chart generation;(iii) a database by manipulating components such as defining fields, entering data, and designing layouts appropriate for reporting; and(iv) a digital publication using relevant publication standards |
I | D | M | 6M | plan and create non-linear media projects using graphic design principles |
I | D | M | 6N | integrate two or more technology tools to create a new digital product |
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master
Young children have much to gain from the use of technology. In prekindergarten, they expand their ability to acquire information, solve problems, and communicate with others. Regular access and exposure to computers and related technology can enhance this learning. Children use engaging, age–appropriate, and challenging software; and technology to extend their knowledge and to enrich their learning of curriculum content and concepts. These technologies serve as important learning tools and are integrated throughout the instructional program. Providing access to a variety of technologies is critical in the development of 21st century skills that young children need to learn and grow.
A. Technology and Device Skills
Children learn how technology can enhance our lives. Technology includes computers, voice/sound recorders, televisions, digital cameras, personal digital assistants, and MP3 devices or iPODs. Surrounded by technology, children can benefit from becoming aware of and interacting with voice/sound recorders and other technology that may be available. They develop techniques for handling and controlling various devices, becoming increasingly confident and independent users of age–appropriate technologies.
End of Prekindergarten Year Outcomes | Examples of Child Behaviors | Examples of Instructional Strategies |
X.A.1 Child opens and navigates through software programs designed to enhance development of appropriate concepts. |
The child:
The teacher:
X.A.2 Child uses and names a variety of computer input devices, such as mouse, keyboard, voice/sound recorder, touch screen, CD–ROM. |
The child:
The teacher:
X.A.3 Child operates voice/sound recorders and touch screens. |
The child:
The teacher:
X.A.4 Child uses software applications to create and express own ideas. |
The child:
The teacher:
X.A.5 Child recognizes that information is accessible through the use of technology. |
The child:
The teacher: